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Trauma Symptom Inventory Free Download

The TSC-40 is a 40-item self-report measure of symptomatic distress in adults arising from childhood or adult traumatic experiences. It measures aspects of posttraumatic stress as well as other symptoms found in some traumatized individuals.

Trauma Symptom Inventory Free Download

Measure availability: We provide information on a variety of measures assessing trauma and PTSD. These measures are intended for use by qualified mental health professionals and researchers. Measures authored by National Center staff are available as direct downloads or by request. Measures developed outside of the National Center can be requested via contact information available on the information page for the specific measure.

The TSI-2 is a 136-item adult self-report measure of posttraumatic stress and other psychological sequelae of traumatic and stressful events. It was updated in 2011 from the original 100-item TSI and designed to assess sequelae of a wide range of adversities, including DSM-5 trauma but also stressful experiences such as emotional neglect and experiences of loss. The TSI-2 assesses PTSD symptoms but also broader psychological outcomes. Symptom responses are not tied to a particular event or timespan. Respondents are asked to rate how often each symptom has happened to them in the past 6 months. Items are rated on a 4-point frequency scale ranging from 0 ("never") to 3 ("often").

Therefore, scales map onto some DSM-5 PTSD symptoms (e.g., avoidance, intrusions) but the TSI-2 is not designed to map solely or directly onto DSM-5 PTSD. The TSI-2 also includes 2 validity scales (response level and atypical response) along with 8 critical items to help identify potential severe disturbance or danger (e.g., suicidal ideation). The TSI-2 includes a reliable change score for repeated measurement as well. A computer scoring program is available from the test publisher, with norms based on gender and age. The TSI-2 is recommended for measuring a variety of trauma-related symptoms in clinical or research settings.

Purpose: Evaluate acute and chronic posttraumatic symptomatologyAge Range: 18 through to 88 yearsAdmin: Individual or GroupTime: 20 Minutes

The TSI-2 is designed to evaluate posttraumatic stress and other psychological sequelae of traumatic events. This broadband measure evaluates acute and chronic symptomatology, including the effects of sexual and physical assault, intimate partner violence, combat, torture, motor vehicle accidents, mass casualty events, medical trauma, traumatic losses, and childhood abuse or neglect.

The TSI-2 consists of 136 items and assesses a wide range of potentially complex symptomatology, ranging from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), dissociation, and somatisation to insecure attachment styles, impaired self-capacities, and dysfunctional behaviours.

WHAT IT MEASURES: The TSC-40 is a research measure that evaluates symptomatology in adults associated with childhood or adult traumatic experiences. It measures aspects of posttraumatic stress and other symptom clusters found in some traumatized individuals. It does not measure all 17 criteria of PTSD, and should not be used as a complete measure of that construct. The TSC-40 is a revision of the earlier TSC-33 (Briere & Runtz, 1989). Those requiring a validated psychological test of posttraumatic response, using a similar format, should consider the Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI) or (for evaluation of a specific trauma) the Detailed Assessment of Posttraumatic Stress (DAPS).

Follette, V.M., Polusny, M.M., & Milbeck, K. (1994). Mental health and law enforcement professionals: trauma history, psychological symptoms, and impact of providing services to child sexual abuse survivors. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 25, 275-282.

Silvern, L., Karyl, J., Waelde, L., Hodges, W.F., Starek, J., Heidt, E., & Min, K (1995). Retrospective reports of parental partner abuse: relationships to depression, trauma symptoms and self-esteem among college students. Journal of Family Violence 10, 177-202.

TSI-2 is a broad assessment of trauma and related symptoms, designed to evaluate posttraumatic stress and other psychological sequelae of traumatic events, including the effects of sexual and physical assault, intimate partner violence, combat, torture, motor vehicle accidents, mass casualty events, medical trauma, traumatic losses, and childhood abuse or neglect.

The TSCC measures severity of posttraumatic stress and related psychological symptomatology (anxiety, depression, anger, dissociation) in children ages 8-16 years who have experienced traumatic events, such as physical or sexual abuse, major loss, or natural disasters. Appropriate for individual or group administration.

The Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI) is a psychological evaluation/assessment instrument that taps symptoms of Posttraumatic stress disorder and other posttraumatic emotional problems. It was originally published in 1995 [1] by its developer, John Briere. It is one of the most widely used measures of posttraumatic symptomatology.[2]

The TSI is relatively unique in comparison to other measures of posttraumatic symptomatology, in that it is a multi-scale instrument, including 10 scales of various forms of clinical psychopathology related to psychological trauma. Also unique, it has three validity scales in order to assess the trauma victim's test-taking attitude, such as overreporting, underreporting and inconsistency. The TSI was not developed to detect the Malingering of posttraumatic stress disorder although clinicians have used it to do so. Research shows that the TSI serves as a general validity screen but should be used cautiously in detecting malingered PTSD.[3]

The Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ) is a checklist written by HPRT, similar in design to the HSCL-25. It inquires about a variety of trauma events, as well as the emotional symptoms considered to be uniquely associated with trauma.

Results of our analyses also supported the recommendation to query fewer symptoms when surveying younger children. The lack of support for using additional items is likely related to developmental differences in ability to self-rate these types of experiences. For example, questions assessing sleep habits are better answered by parents than young children. The resulting PCSI scales therefore contain only the most relevant items for the developmental abilities of each respondent, a level of analysis that has not previously been undertaken for children's self-report concussion symptom scales. The resulting PCSI-SR5 is less strong psychometrically than the older children's and parents' version, suggesting that some caution needs to be used in interpretation of self-report in children this young. We do not believe that any of the self-report versions should be used in isolation, as parent report is an important accompaniment, but this is especially true in young children. The five-symptom inventory is therefore provided as a guideline for the most useful symptoms to query for this age range.

Recently, two reviews of self-report screening instruments for PTSD were published [2, 3]. The reviews highlighted that few of the existing instruments are truly short versions (

In a similar vein of research Spitzer and colleagues [30] proposed several changes to the PTSD diagnostic criteria, one of which was the removal of five of the 17 PTSD indicators (C3, C4, D1, D2, D3). Notably, the five symptoms are all located in the dysphoria factor of the Simms et al. PTSD model. Elhai and colleagues [31] investigated whether the removal of the five PTSD symptoms as proposed by Spitzer et al. [30] would impact on prevalence rates, diagnostic comorbidities, differences in structural validity, and differences in internal consistency. Results concluded that only 1.34 % of individuals changed diagnostic status, comorbidity rates were virtually unaltered, and internal consistency was reduced but only marginally so. Thus, the removal of five of eight dysphoria symptoms had little impact. Subsequent work by Elhai and colleagues [32] tested a number of factor models of PTSD; the DSM-IV, the King et al. and the Simms et al. models in addition to a Simms et al. factor model which removed all of the eight dysphoria items. The confirmatory factor analyses were conducted on an adult trauma sample and an adolescent trauma sample. Results concluded that the Simms et al. model which removed the dysphoria items provided the best fit to both data sets. Combined, these results question whether there is a certain degree of redundancy in relation to the eight dysphoria items in the PTSD diagnostic criteria. 2ff7e9595c

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